Welcome to the 6TH ANNUAL Berkeley Vegan Earth Day (BVED) event taking place on Sunday April 17th, 2016.
If you are interested in speaking, please fill out an application HERE
When & Where:
David Brower Center (Click HERE to get directions)
We’ve got DOZENS of vendors signed up to share their eco-friendly beauty products, conscious fashion lines, sustainable foods, and epic activism.
Sit in on any number of our educational and earth-friendly talks + food demos + panel discussions, from doctors, authors, filmmakers, nutritionists, chefs, attorneys, and more!
This year’s special: It’s SIX’s all across the board this year!!
Since this is our SIXTH BVED event, being celebrated in this fantastic year of 2016, we wanted to do something special in honor of the “6s.”
Here are just a few of the “6” themes you’ll see at this year’s event:
- SIX DOLLAR VENDOR OFFERINGS = Many of our vendors will be offering “6er” deals at their booths, asking only $6 for some of their select products and services.