I met Linda Middlesworth about two years ago, and she is a fire-cracker!
I was so impressed by her energy, zest for life, and her knowledge. On a car ride to a farm sanctuary one day, she told me that the best way to lose weight was to take out all added oils. I thought to my self, isn’t olive oil healthy?? One of my favorite things to eat was bread dipped in olive oil! I decided to take her advice and eliminate oils from diet, and a few months later all my friends kept saying “you’ve lost so much weight!”.
At the time I was not exercising on a regular basis and my weight lost was entirely due to the changes I made in my diet. Yes I’m vegan, and already eat more healthy that the majority of people, but vegan foods can also be fatty!
Here is Linda’s story:
Around 22 years ago, after being a 30 pound overweight aerobics instructor and personal trainer, and a 10 year long cheese and egg eating vegetarian, I moved next door to a vegan. She told me I could reverse my severe heart disease, my thyroid cancer and get rid of the extra fat layer by reading The McDougall Program book.
I did and in a matter of a couple of months, I was my correct weight, cancer-free and heart-healthy! After only one week, after starting the McDougall Program, my neighbor told me that dairy cows really suffered to provide milk for humans. I became an ethical vegan by page 10 of reading Animal Liberation.
I found out that dairy cows suffered and that all animals suffered if we ate them and or ate their secretions. There was no turning back for me after learning that animals are living in hell every day and that they suffer because of humans. I now devote my life to expose the horror of the animal holocaust.
Now, at age 69, I opened a business called VeganMentor, and teach Food for Life Nutrition and Cooking; P.C.R.M., in order to help people regain their health, but also to help them transition to a cruelty-free, and compassionate lifestyle. Wanting to reach as many people as possible, I started Sacramento Vegan Society and have nearly 1,000 members. ~ Veganism is the only way to live in this world if we want to do the least harm, to live in great health and to keep our earth sustainable.
My only goal in life is to help humans become vegan. ~ www.veganmentor.com ~ www.sacramentovegansociety.com ~ Linda and David Middlesworth own V-dog; vegan dog food in the U.S. - www.v-dog.com
Linda before
Linda after