The Power of Social Media and Calling Out Big Ag
It’s time for the animal rights community to start naming names! We often hear about Big Ag or factory farms, but who are the big players? Why don’t we know more about companies like Tyson, Smithfield, Hormel, and Cargill? Tyson dumps more pollution into waterways each year than Exxon and Dow, according Environment America. Rose will address how this deserves far more attention in the media. She will also talk about social media and how it has become one of the most effective tools for awareness raising and will discuss how to use social media more effectively.
Rose Aguilar is the host of Your Call, a daily call-in public affairs show on KALW 91.7 FM in San Francisco. The show airs from 10-11am PT. Rose has hosted several shows about animal rights issues and our food system, including one that asked: What if we ate as if water mattered? Rose has written about Blackfish and undercover investigations exposing animal cruelty for Al Jazeera English. She has also written for the Guardian, the Economic Hardship Reporting Project, AlterNet, and Truthout. Rose if the founder of the Use Your Voice workshops, which empower women to use our voices more effectively, and is author of “Red Highways: A Journey into the Heartland.” A passionate animal advocate, Rose is celebrating her 20th vegan anniversary this July. Contact Rose at [email protected] and learn more about her work at